Nordic Food for children and youth

Goes to a person or an organization, who has developed an idea or a concept which notably has contributed to develop future generation knowledge and skills in relation to Nordic food and food culture.

Haver til Maver


Haver til Maver (HTM) is an independent non-profit working to strengthen food literacy of future generations. The core is a program of 8-12 full school days through April to October, where students sow, grow, harvest, cook and eat their own vegetables. What started as a local initiative in Northern Zealand has become a widespread movement to ensure school gardens as part of primary education in Denmark. On one hand, the gardens are seen as inclusive space, where school curriculum comes to life in new inspiring ways. On the other, the garden is a classroom for the intangible, 21st century skills relating to critical thinking, creativity, cooperation and the capacity to lead sustainable lives. Today, more than 10.000 students annually in Denmark have school gardens as part of their primary education, and an increasing number of international partners are using HTM as a resource center for garden-based learning and education for sustainable development.
