Nordic Food for Many

Goes to a person or an organization, who has done an extraordinary effort to encourage meals, quality and a Nordic food culture in public meals.

Koulutuskeskus Salpaus – Salpaus Further Education


Salpaus is one of the largest providers of vocational education in Finland preparing more than 2500 free school meals daily – continuously reducing food waste and favoring local ingredients. Salpaus is a pioneer in using Finnish vegetable protein and in introducing vegetarian options to professional catering. Cultivating and increasing the use of domestic plant-based proteins has positive effects on nutrition, on the environment and on the protein self-sufficiency. Salpaus’ catering team has led the way by sourcing its broad beans and peas directly from local producers. It has built extensive collaboration networks throughout the food supply chain, and shared insights and information with professional catering providers, students, staff and the public. Finnish vegetable protein has also been widely promoted and served at prominent events, even at the President’s Independence Day reception.

